心情日记 2019 03 02

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心情日记 2018 09 27

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我最近真的故意犯傻。要说寂寞嘛,也不是的,只是胸口一直有一股闷气想要发泄,然后就一直往外跑。我很清醒的,知道自己故意撒野,真心想试着受一点伤害, 因为痛才会有感觉啊。呵呵。







心情日记 2018 09 16

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Did you think that you’re gone
Because he was like no one
That you ever thought you want
Darling you’re not all done
You just need you to be found

There’s always flipped side to a coin
Maybe he was a decoy
You’re meant to fall prey
To only learn your true voices
Hear the choices
Rejected and rejoiced

Did you know it ain’t your fault
When happiness come to a halt
It’s time to build your fort
Darling you’re never lost
You just need to cross the lot
There’s always a turn at the end

Maybe he was the wrong bend
You’re meant to transcend
To only get over the blinds
See the lights
Rejected and alls right

Crying is alright
Darling crying is alright
Maybe I’m still not alright



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Keeping a diary: Three

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There is something in my life I could not point a finger to.

I got a new job about three months ago. I have a lot of expectations about the job and they are not necessarily about the pay. In simple words, I am ditching the 9-6 in exchange for not feeling like I have to drag myself to work everyday. I think at this point of time I still do not feel hard to accomplish that, and I wish to keep it that way. The colleagues are fine. But hmm. I have to keep a reminder to work on just work. As much as I am happy to hang out with my colleagues, I think the interaction should be contained within working hours. They are great people, but I do not want to put too much of myself out there. There are a lot of things I have to learn to do my job and I am working on getting things under my control. It is definitely not easy to maintain my morale when trying to adapt to the ever-changing environment. I wished I had a bit more experience just so I can do a better job, but now I just have to make the best out of what I have.

Aside from my job, I am losing interest in relationships. Friendship and others. I do not know what came or is still coming at me but I feel nonchalant about preserving relationships. I still love some people but I have lesser things to talk to them. Some things taught me not to meddle with other people’s lives and other things let me understand that I should take care of my own feelings. Hence I am always in my own world nowadays. Oh, I have a crush on someone, It is something that I have not felt in a long time, but I am just going to let it die because… I do not care enough. I still want to be in my own world. Wew.

I always think that happiness in a choice. If you want to be happy, make an effort. When things or people disappoint you, adjust your position and widen your perspective to see how you can fix the disappointment. Or leave, and prepare for some regrets later. Life, this is.


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静静听音乐 让自己愉快
看着周围 云淡风轻 想来
往心里带 给自己期待

想要不受伤害 不被摇摆
可是你在 让我无法表态

总是轻易地 把大家收买
散发思维 运筹帷幄 未来
突然无奈 被自己出卖

寂寞化成阴霾 无法淘汰
你的青睐 让我心神澎湃

你会是 我所有的意外
只因你在 因为你在

想要不受伤害 不被摇摆
可是你在 让我无法表态


Keeping a diary: Two

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We have different sides that we choose to show to people in accordance to the proximity  of relationship among one another. I do understand this, but it is still shocking to learn that I have completely missed knowing a person in a certain way even after being acquainted with the person for a long time. Perhaps it should not shock me though, since we have never gotten close enough to understand each other well. Also, I think even if you are really close with someone, you will not see most of what a person is capable of if he or she intends to hide it. I am kind of in a situation right now where I am hearing conflicting stories that I think it would be better if I just leave it to it. The thing is, when you are not directly involved in a matter you do not comment your opinion as though you know how things really feel like. I am concerned but I am not going to interfere.

I am so judging myself right now, for relying too heavily on my first impression on everything and anything. I almost never give second chances before I decide if I like someone or something. I am quite good at finding clues and traits that support my first impression, so it is easy for me to convince myself further whether to like someone or something. There is so much to work on. I hope I can be less critical. It is good to able to accept a correction on a belief after reviewing other factors involved. The realisation that you are wrong; you are not afraid to admit and you are gonna do something about it.


Keeping a diary: One

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I wish I am writing this in a cafe; you know, sipping hot mocha and occasionally gazing out of the window to daydream.That sort of thing is not really a luxury, but I have always thought my time is more precious than this. Therefore, when I am writing I have to pause now and then, because I get distracted by the parts and parcels of life.

There is a fair amount of work in the office today, but I am a fast worker, so I am left with bits of free moment. To fit in with my diligent colleagues, I do have to pretend to be busy. Of course there are times when I am really, really busy and I have to work overtime to finish my work. If fact, my whole team work overtime almost every day because there are just too much work to do. We would look at other teams in envy whenever they leave the office right on the dot. One particular finance manager always jokingly called us “inefficient” when we stay overtime. Yeah, he is joking, but he is also kind of mean. Well, he no longer works in the company.

I always think about a whole lot of things at once, and they are not always related. Now I am thinking of writing a book. I am pretty convinced I would be my only reader, though I would like my book to relate to a lot of things that concern a lot of people. That say, my fantasy world shall continue to stay in my head… maybe I would be able to insert a glimpse of those imaginary excerpts in the appendix of my book? I do not think that I really want to be a full-time writer. The idea appeals to me, but I also want to satisfy the realist in me; I want to stay in control, hold on to principles, use logic to make sense of everything, etc.

There is forty more minutes till I knock off. Weekend has not just started; weekend has just continued on. This is in consideration of the fact that I have just come back from Japan two days ago. I know I should probably talk about my Japan trip but I will procrastinate and grow my hair for another inch till I get to that. I am joking about the latter.


Questions for myself

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  1. What’s your name?

  2. Given the choice of anyone in the world, alive or dead whom would you want to have a meaningful conversation with?
    Me after I died. I would like to know what I had understood from life at the moment I lost it.

  3. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
    Nope. Not in any way.
  4. Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you’re going to say? Why?
    I do not rehearse. I may make a mental note about what I want to say to another party, because I just want to make sure my message gets across.
  5. What would constitute a perfect day for you?
    Spending a day with someone I care, have deep talks, eat, and just enjoy the time together.
  6. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
    Shower last night, to myself.
  7. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 25 year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?
    I would choose to retain the body of a 25 year old for the last 60 years of my life. Because I want my mind to grow and mature beyond 25 year old.
  8. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
    I always think I will die during an accident.

  9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
    Having lived in both pre-internet and internet times.
  10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
    I wouldn’t change anything  if I could. But.. maybe, I would hope to learn martial arts from young.

  11. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?
    The ability to teleport. Because I would like to travel whenever and wherever I want.
  12. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
    I want to know, what do I really want in life.
  13. Is there something that you’ve dreamt of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
    I want to publish my own novel. Having stuck at my dream world for a long time that penning everything down seems too hard.
  14. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
    Tried to enjoy all the goods and bads in my life till this very moment.
  15. What do you value most in a friendship?
    Honesty, loyalty, and love.
  16. What is your most treasured memory?
    Time spent with my grandmother.
  17. What is your most terrible memory?
    All the arguments I had with my mother.
  18. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
    Yes. I would try to make arrangement for my loved ones.
  19. What does friendship mean to you?
    A shoulder to depend on when I feel helpless and lost.
  20. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
    Selective in embracing love and affection.
  21. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
    I felt very warm growing up, because my mother tries very hard to bond us closely to her best ability. I might not be happier than other people but I know I am blessed in a lot of ways, and that is the most important take-away from my childhood.
  22. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
    Love-hate relationship. I love her a lot but our temper collide like volcano eruption. I need to work on showing more understanding towards her.
  23. What is your meaning of life?
    To find the meaning of life.
  24. What’s a naughty* thing you have done as a kid? As an adult?
    As a kid I sneaked out to the mall with my friends when I was supposed to be at the library; as an adult I went solo traveling in Taiwan despite the objection of my parents.
  25. If you were going to become intimate with your partner, what would be important for him or her to know?
    That I have very low self-esteem.
  26. What do you like about yourself? Hate about yourself?
    I like that my character is strong and independent; I hate that I have self-esteem issues.


…. to be continued


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